UEFA will use Juventus strife to break up the European Superleague

UEFA may try to use Juventus current legal issues in order to aid their cause. The Italian giants are in disarray after the ruling over accounting malpractice has resulted in La Vecchia Signora being deducted 15 points.The Old Lady were found to have intentionally inflated transfer fees in order to ease the pressure on their accounts, for which they have been deducted 15 points. Already balanced somewhat precariously, their finances are set to take a major hit from likely missing out on European football.As per GdS, via Diario AS, UEFA are considering using that threat as a bargaining chip. Should the European Court ruling go against the Superleague clubs, Juve, Real Madrid and Barcelona, then UEFA will be permitted to sanction the clubs for their attempts to breakaway.However UEFA will offer to forgive and forget any punishment or bans if the Bianconeri leave the Superleague. Should UEFA be able to impose massive fines on those clubs, it could be ruinous for Juventus, who will be desperately seeking income.Former CEO Andrea Agnelli was a large advocate of the Superleague project and it was thought his resignation would open the doors for a change of tact. However owner John Elkann seems set to push ahead with it.This method of strong-arming Juventus would leave the idea of any Superleague as constructed by Barcelona and Real Madrid dead in the water, should they convince Juventus to leave.The post UEFA will use Juventus strife to break up the European Superleague appeared first on Football España.
