Gateway cider bar owner claims 'abuse' as he faces eviction

Weathered Waves, the small cider bar owned by former Salt Lake City mayoral candidate Michael Valentine, might soon be kicked out of its home in The Gateway.

Valentine and his cidery became the subjects of attention and an investigation from the state's Attorney General office in March after the bar posted a "No Zionists Allowed" decree on Instagram. The investigation found no evidence of discrimination, but staff attorney staff Amanda Montague "strongly urge[d]" Valentine to "reconsider your statement that you will not serve individuals expressing certain beliefs," according to a letter sent to the bar in April.

It's not the political statement that concerns property owner Vestar Gateway, though. It's the overdue rent and lease violations, according to a complaint filed in the third judicial court of Salt Lake County Tuesday. Vestar claims Valentine owes $2,695.93 for one month of unpaid rent, plus interest and attorney's fees.

The complaint also alleges Valentine violated several terms of the lease by selling beer without authorization — the lease only permits Valentine to sell retail cider and "cider themed deserts and coffee," according to the complaint — and changing the bar's name without Vestar's approval. Valentine changed the name from Six Sailer Cider, the cider's brand name, to Weathered Waves in January in anticipation of becoming a licensed bar. It got its bar license at the end of February, according to the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Services (DABS) database. That license is still active.

Valentine told The Tribune on Friday that he is up to date on rent payments. In an email, Valentine sent a photocopy of a cashier's check made to Vesta for $2,195.93, the equivalent of one month's rent, dated May 14. The complaint was filed May 13.

Valentine also said he had a "verbal agreement" with Vestar to change the bar's name. The parties were working on a lease amendment that would allow Valentine to sell beer and update the bar's food menu, Valentine said, but the amendment included provisions Valentine said violated his "free speech rights," including a non-disparagement clause, and he refused to sign it.

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The complaint claims Vestar served Valentine a three-day notice to pay or vacate May 7; Valentine claims he never got it.

Valentine said he plans to file a countersuit, citing alleged lease violations on Vesta's behalf. In a phone call Friday, Valentine said the whole ordeal is a direct, personal attack and accused Vestar of being "abusive" to him and other tenants.

Vestar's attorney did not immediately respond to The Tribune's request for comment.

Valentine was arrested twice earlier this month — in two days — in connection to pro-Palestine protests, led largely by university students. Arrest records cite "theft" as the charge for his first arrest — Valentine claims on Instagram that cops came to his house to arrest him after he took city signs from a protest site. He was arrested again the following day for failure to disperse, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct, according to arrest records.

Shannon Sollitt is aReport for America corps member covering business accountability and sustainabilityfor The Salt Lake Tribune. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by clicking here.
