Letter:EPA rule proposal would dramatically affect Uinta Basin and help slow climate change

As I looked around at the participants at the rally for the Great Salt Lake on Jan. 14, I was excited to see so much passion and resolve to find solutions to an ecological disaster that will have devastating effects. When individuals understand the depth and severity of an issue, many will take a stand and fight for change.By highlighting the issues of methane in the Uinta Basin, we can help inform our communities of the severity and long-term dramatic effects it will have on our health and climate. I’ve recently visited the town of Vernal and experienced the murky air firsthand. While having a discussion with some of its concerned citizens, they expressed how disheartened they are that the community does not understand the devastating impacts of the methane in the air. They want more to be done to help educate their friends and neighbors. Information prompts action and action is drastically needed in regard to our methane air pollution.The EPA released a rule proposal focusing on more safeguards to limit and prevent methane leaks, and this proposal would dramatically affect our Uinta Basin and help slow the effects of global climate change. The EPA is accepting public comments concerning this rule proposal until Feb. 18. I encourage The Salt Lake Tribune to help educate our communities to spark that same passion for our beautiful lake and direct it also toward our methane-polluted communities. Let’s rally to save our polluted air.Rebecca Ricks, St. Anthony, IdahoSubmit a letter to the editor
